Press release – Change is needed in Brussels
Among the Brusselian elite the principle of the blind leading the blind prevails. Brussels is unable to detect the existing European problems therefore the aim of the upcoming European Parliamentary elections is to finally open their eyes. Without a doubt, the most significant political event of 2024 will be the European elections. In Brussels, the principle of the blind leading the blind is in full effect, since the Brusselian elite have long been unable to see the real problems of the common European citizen. They are
Italian Conservativism Conference Keynote Speech – 2023
Buon giorno, Ladies and Gentlemen. Welcome! I just arrived from Athens, where I participated at the New York Times’ Democracy Forum. Imagine a discussion between a radical left movie director, a women’s rights activist, and a Hungarian politician, moderated by a liberal journalist. Sounds like the opening line of a bad joke. As you can image I was attacked by both the moderator and one of the panelists in the first 3 seconds of the conversation. Looking at the lineup of this conference as well as the faces in
3rd Danube Geopolitical Summit keynote speech
Dear Mr. President Klaus, Distinguished Guests, Ambassadors, Dear Friends, Ladies and Gentlemen, Friends from Heritage Foundation, form Danube Institute, welcome and good morning. I am really happy to be here today. It is an honor to me to be with you and make the keynote speech on the second day. If I can be honest with you, I was not sure if I should accept this invitation. But ultimately I came to the conclusion that there is no better opportunity than this to engage in an
MCC 2023/24 opening ceremony speech
Greetings, professor! Greetings to the board members, the teaching staff, and the students of MCC! In preparing for this occasion, my aim at first was to encourage everyone with some inspiring, striking thought, preferably about the academic year ahead of us, full of challenges and achievements. About how good it is to use our talents, so that we can become our best selves, and other such things that one says at events like this. Then I came across a quote from the great musician Zoltán Kodály